Photos by: Alden "Boris" Avergonzado
Underbone Tuner was able to interview Jed Ko of SkutGarage a Team that has
been making waves on the Circuit with their dominating performance on the open automatic categories.
This is how it went.
1. Can you tell us more about Skut Garage? how did you guys get started? can
you give us a brief history of skut garage?
It started with our hobby in scooter collection. While drinking with friends the
night before the OZR race in danao last year we decided to join the race in the
morning. With our basic knowledge about scooter tuning we decided to build a bike
that night for the race (a 90cc Honda Dio). People were laughing at our scooter
competing against underbones, luckily we won second place on Danao local's
category. We were not really serious about it but just joined the race for fun.
This then inspired us to form a group. SKUTGARAGE
2. Where is your club or race team based? Who are the officers? Who founded it?
We are based in Danao City. It is founded by Jed Ko, Joma "Daloy" Ko and our
rider Mark "Atchong" Capoy.
3. SkutGarage has dominated all scooter categories, what makes you different from
the rest of the teams? What is the x-factor that makes skutgarage exceed above the
Maybe because we join races just for fun, no pressure on winning. Winning the race
is the very last thing on our mind. I think we also have a competitive rider.
4.what are your future plans? Do you plan to field in more riders? Do you plan to venture in the underbone categories?
For now, we have a new rider (Gilbert "bitog" Miro) for the automatic class,
he won 2nd place in Danao Locals Category, 5th place on Mixed Automatic Open.
Hopefully next year we will give underbone category a try.
5. Can you share some advise to the readers about how to be successful in scooter/underbone racing?
Take one step at a time,enjoy what you are doing,have fun and learn from the experts.
6. Who are your sponsors that you would like to thank?
Our biggest sponsor are my parents, Bagwis Game Farm,Pauls Cellshop,1337 Internet
and Gaming, Sweet Inn Drive. And Special thanks to Mr. Bobby Mencias of BMR.
7. Any message you can give to underbone tuner magazine?
Thank you to Underbone tuner magazine, for supporting the local underbone/racing
scene, again,THANK YOU and MORE POWER!!!!
Team SkutGarage celebrates after dominating the Danao Open and Automatic Open
in OZR Cup 2008 4th Leg.
The dynamic duo of SkutGarage Mark Capoy (blue) and Gilbert Miro (white)
light-up the track.
Gilbert "bitog" Miro on the grid
Mark "Atchong" Capoy victorious in Danao.
A Brilliant performance from Mark Capoy earned him a double victory
for the Danao Open and Automatic Open.
Team SkutGarage
Mark Capoy showing his versatility as a rider in the Open Motard Category.
The founder Jed Ko with talented lensman Alden Avergonzado of SkutGarage.
Reaping the rewards from their hardwork and dedication
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